Thursday, August 23, 2012

The Privilege of Sharing their Smiles

She melts in to me… the little one I have searched for all morning, and there she is. We smile at the sight of each other, and I hold her close, wanting her to know I have missed her, I am glad she is safe, I love her. So we walk through our narrow alleyways and sit together in concrete, my arm around her, communicating friendship despite a language barrier. I lean, and she leans, and will she ever know just how much she has helped me heal? I always think she is older than she is, even though she is so small. Probably because she is always carrying a little sister on her hip, a big sister with big weights. My dreams for her home, her friends, they are inspired by this little one. I would take her in a heartbeat if I could. My sweet princess, my vision.

And my baby… her cheeks are full from added weight, her skin tainted with the dirt on her floors. Her bum is bare and she only wears a t-shirt. But those eyes… my girl. He sets her down and she makes those little steps to me. I scoop her in my arms and her head finds its familiar place on my shoulder. I only get a few minutes with her before I must go and she must be returned. But my baby girl… I miss her so much. I would take her in a heartbeat if I could. My sweet princess, my treasure.

That little face and those little dark eyes, full of laughter and mischief. I see her and she sees me, so I bend down and open my arms to welcome her. And she comes… to my surprise, she comes. Arms around each other, I rub her back and she holds me. The sweet little one I didn’t even ask to fall in love with, oh, but I did. Eye to eye, we rub foreheads and noses, and she laughs, and I laugh. And for a minute, all is right in the world with my little friend and I. We play, and then she runs off when arms must release. I would take her in a heartbeat if I could. My sweet princess, my angel.

Her eyes rarely find mine, and when they do, they seem to be far off. A hard life, a mind that went wrong, and pain etched in pronunciation. To take a little of her pain… I don’t know how much she can understand. Does she know she is loved? Can she understand it? But we sit and we laugh and she reveals pieces amidst the chatter. Only five years older than I with more pain than I will ever know or fathom. How do I speak wholeness and value? How do I speak worth? How do I love her well? She is strong, a survivor in spite of impossible odds. I would take her in a heartbeat if I could. My sweet princess, my friend.

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