Friday, June 15, 2012

Every Breath is a Second Chance

Breathe.... just keep breathing.

I pray, I whisper to the baby girl who has captured my heart in the past 6 days.

The baby I had to leave behind while I go to school.

And I go through the motions and try to stay alert, but I keep whispering "Breathe, please".

Because her little body has been overtaken by parasites, and we don't know if she is strong enough to get them out.

Her little heart beats, and she keeps breathing, but it is hard. So hard.

But she continues to smile and laugh and talk in her little baby babble.

She communicates with me, pointing to what she wants, holding out her arms when she wants to be held.

I didn't mean to fall in love.

No really, I didn't.

But what could I do? How do I resist those little curls, big brown eyes, and those sweet little fingers.

I want her to hold on. Wait, don't go. Not yet.

Wait, my sister is coming. She wants to meet you. Just a few more weeks.

Wait, you have to grow up. Make it to another birthday, and then another.

Wait, I want to hold you. I want to play. I want to hear you speak again. I want to see that smile.

Please, Jesus.

I lay hands and I speak life and blessing.

I do "Happy Thoughts" as I have done over my other babies.

And I pray, and I wait, and I trust that He is bigger.

He is stronger.

He wouldn't give me anything that He will not hold me through.

Breathe, baby girl. Just keep breathing. Please. 

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