Saturday, March 10, 2012

Falling into a Verb

     And this must be what it feels like to fall in love...

     To discover new things about someone every day, treasure every detail, store them somewhere safe in the corners of your heart.

     I hold him close and whisper how much I love him, make bath time an event of splashing and singing, read stories, and whisper dreams in his ear. He lights up at the sight of a car, and he squeals with excitement when being chased.

     His wound... the open wound a surgeon said would require another surgery to close. Once it was full of infection, and really God, a third surgery? But God, my God, healed his wound. It is almost closed, on its own... a miracle only He could have done.

     And I watch him thrive. I watch as his temper emerges, his personality, his goofy run, and his huge grin.

     This must be what it feels like to fall in love....

     I am a small town girl transplanted into a big city where everything is unfamiliar, but little by little, is becoming home.

     I find my staples... my coffee, my sandwich, my burrito, my salad, my macaroon.

     I find myself recognizing turns and corners, walking as if I belong, moving closer to blending, every day discovering something new and wonderful.

     The smell is back... the sulfur, diesel, and random dispersions of chicken. It is a hot summer day and my soul threatens to melt, but this is life now and I learn to stay cool.

     Every day holds something new... a new discovery, a new surprise (man driving down a busy street with an ox and wagon?), a new something that becomes increasingly familiar.

     And this must be what it is to fall in love...

     I write out His character and search through pages to know who He is.

     I see Him... in their faces, on the street corners, and He speaks.

     And sometimes I listen and my soul wants to rebel and be independent, but my heart knows it never will be, and was never meant to be.

      And the more I know Him, the more I need Him with everything inside of me.

      In the midst of the struggle as the foreign moves to familiar, He bends me and stretches me, contorting my spirit into a tool He can use. And it's uncomfortable, intense, awkward, and I am so unsure. But it is also life giving, awe inspiring, humbling, grace flowing, beautiful.

       And it feels like falling in love. 

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