Friday, September 13, 2013

For The One I Call Mine

There is only one thing I would ever change about you.

Really, there is nothing because you are perfect, but there is one thing I would change.

I would change what you see…

Not what you see when you look at the world around you, or even what you see when you look at me.

I would change what you see when the person staring into your eyes is you.

Because you don’t see it…

I know you don’t see it because you are a woman, and in the world we live in, we must always strive. Strive, push, pull, pluck, transform.

Always trying to be better, to change what we see in the mirror.

And I have heard your words… the words you speak over yourself, and to be honest, they break my heart every time.

So this is me, trying to find the words to say to show you how truly special you are.

It is you who also urges me to speak life over myself, but you fail to call out the beauty others so quickly see.

You fail to see the eyes… those sparkling green eyes that reveal the joy deep inside. Those eyes have wept in sorrow, the moments of pain. But they have also wept with joy, with pride. Some of my favorite moments I remember looking into those eyes and knowing how loved I am, how proud you are of me.

Your arms… you say they are too big, too much, but there are moments when all I want is the safety of your arms. Those arms were the first place I found myself when I came into this world. They are the arms that assure me everything will be okay. They are the arms that give strength, encouragement, that open to welcome and close to protect.

Your stomach… my first home. I know it is not where you would want it to be, but four little girls were formed inside. I would not trade it for the world.

Your smile… Good gosh, I love that smile. I love how your face lights up when you are happy. I love how it smirks when you are trying not to laugh. I love the lips that have kissed my cheeks a million times, soothed countless bumps and bruises, hummed tunes and formed funny voices.

I wish you could see the lines on your face like I do… The lines tell a story, the story of you. You have fought battles when life became heard, travelled across the oceans, welcomed love into your life, and loved enough to let go. They tell the story of a woman who has faced fear and won.

I wish you could see yourself as He sees you… uniquely and wonderfully made, bought and ransomed by precious blood, set apart for his purpose, created for such a time as this.

When He looks at you, He calls you Beloved, Chosen, Redeemed.

My prayer for you this year is as He calls you and captivates you, your heart will be ready to hear. My prayer is that you will hear His voice, his love and encouragement, through the words of others.

And not only will you listen, you will receive.

There is a difference between knowing and believing. I can tell you how beautiful and special you are all day long, but I cannot change your heart. I cannot undo the lies and abuse the world has used to break you.

I wish I could, but I can’t.

Instead, I can pray.
I will pray that this is the year your heart will come alive in ways it never has before.

I will pray this is the year of incredible leaps of faith and incredible joy.

I will pray that when others speak life into you, you will receive their words as precious gifts.

I will pray that you will draw closer to His heart as you never have before.

And I will speak life into you, as you have taught me. I will tell you how grateful I am that I am yours, and half of me is you. I will tell you how you are the most beautiful person in the world, not just because of looks, but because of your heart.

You are beautiful because your heart reflects His.

You are beautiful because you serve selflessly in every situation.

You are beautiful because you are a woman of honor.

And You are beautiful because you are mine.

I wish that you could step out of yourself for just a moment and see what others witness when they look at you. I wish you could see the joy that overflows from your heart when you are completely focused on others.
And I wish that this year is your best yet.

And I wish a Happy Birthday to the most beautiful woman I know, the one I call mine.