Some days the heart is heavy.
Some times, the weight of the world comes and rests on your chest, and no matter how many times you push, it won't leave. It's there, crushing, breaking, smothering the energy, the rest, the joy.
Some days, I am weary.
Too little sleep and too much burden. Not a recipe for success.
My friend gave me a birthday card last week with the words from Psalms 23... "Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil".
I don't know if my friend realizes she is a prophet.
That's what it feels like the past few days... this awareness that I am walking through the valley of the shadow of death. Not literal death, but just a reality that the world I live in is broken and quite frankly, it sucks.
The little boys I can't rescue...
The little girl who doesn't want help...
The other little girl whose wounded little body will not leave my mind...
And I am powerless... because of laws, red tape, and people who have no idea what they are doing, the harm they can cause.
Jesus, Jesus, Jesus... my heart whispers it.
And I let the rest of His words wash over me, dictating to myself what I don't feel yet, but I know I will one day...
"Your rod and staff comfort me... surely goodness and mercy will follow me all the days of my life, and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever".
I have to believe this. I have to cling to this.
Some times, the weight of the world comes and rests on your chest, and no matter how many times you push, it won't leave. It's there, crushing, breaking, smothering the energy, the rest, the joy.
Some days, I am weary.
Too little sleep and too much burden. Not a recipe for success.
My friend gave me a birthday card last week with the words from Psalms 23... "Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil".
I don't know if my friend realizes she is a prophet.
That's what it feels like the past few days... this awareness that I am walking through the valley of the shadow of death. Not literal death, but just a reality that the world I live in is broken and quite frankly, it sucks.
The little boys I can't rescue...
The little girl who doesn't want help...
The other little girl whose wounded little body will not leave my mind...
And I am powerless... because of laws, red tape, and people who have no idea what they are doing, the harm they can cause.
Jesus, Jesus, Jesus... my heart whispers it.
And I let the rest of His words wash over me, dictating to myself what I don't feel yet, but I know I will one day...
"Your rod and staff comfort me... surely goodness and mercy will follow me all the days of my life, and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever".
I have to believe this. I have to cling to this.