Today I took a walk on a path by my house. It was cool and crisp outside with an incredibly clear turquoise sky. It was calling me, begging me to come outside and feel the sunshine. And so I did :)
While walking, I began to pour my heart to Him, sharing my fears and worries about the next chapter in my life. After pouring out those fears, He began to gently remind me of everything that I have to look forward to about this journey.
Here are a few of those things:
*Rice and fish... comfort food.
*3 am feedings :)
*Learning a language... piecing together the puzzles that will allow me to communicate with the people around me.
*That moment late in the night when all the babies are asleep and, for a few minutes, everything is silent, peaceful.
*Learning from those around me how to blend, love, rescue, protect, shelter.
*Bath time, dinner time, play time, snuggle time
*Being dirty, uncomfortable, broken, exhausted... it's in those moments when I feel the most beautiful, alive, free, fulfilled, at peace.
*Taking the step from foreigner to friend.
*The heat... I don't think I was created for cold weather.
*Learning to pray
*Those beautiful moments when God takes my breath away
*Watching a child grow from broken to restored, and their light and laughter return.
*Loving a child into the arms of a forever family
*The honor of loving a child to the arms of Jesus.
*Loving little ones, opening my heart, being stretched, diving deeper into the heart of God.
*Endless questions about whether or not I am related to Michael Jordan (it's because of my name, not because I'm black)
* The enevitable question, "When are you leaving"? and the response I have been waiting for so long to give, "I'm not".
While walking, I began to pour my heart to Him, sharing my fears and worries about the next chapter in my life. After pouring out those fears, He began to gently remind me of everything that I have to look forward to about this journey.
Here are a few of those things:
*Rice and fish... comfort food.
*3 am feedings :)
*Learning a language... piecing together the puzzles that will allow me to communicate with the people around me.
*That moment late in the night when all the babies are asleep and, for a few minutes, everything is silent, peaceful.
*Learning from those around me how to blend, love, rescue, protect, shelter.
*Bath time, dinner time, play time, snuggle time
*Being dirty, uncomfortable, broken, exhausted... it's in those moments when I feel the most beautiful, alive, free, fulfilled, at peace.
*Taking the step from foreigner to friend.
*The heat... I don't think I was created for cold weather.
*Learning to pray
*Those beautiful moments when God takes my breath away
*Watching a child grow from broken to restored, and their light and laughter return.
*Loving a child into the arms of a forever family
*The honor of loving a child to the arms of Jesus.
*Loving little ones, opening my heart, being stretched, diving deeper into the heart of God.
*Endless questions about whether or not I am related to Michael Jordan (it's because of my name, not because I'm black)
* The enevitable question, "When are you leaving"? and the response I have been waiting for so long to give, "I'm not".